Why the near-future is about debunking and debanking

Why the near-future is about debunking and debanking
Have you been USA'd?


It is made for those who wish to distort and deceive, because while it makes examination by our five primary senses seem relatively easy on the surface, such interrogation is almost impossible in reality. Even if you can see the face, you can't sense the motive. You can hear the voice, but you don't know who coached it. In turn, smell, taste and touch are entirely missing from the interraction. Never underestimate the degree to which we all unconsciously use pheromones to judge the attractant or repellent carrier of a message in person.

Back in the long-gone days when we read the writings of an author, journalist or pamphleteer in the paper media, it was more natural to doubt veracity: we used discernment to judge when and if ideological bias was putting forward Opinion as Truth.

However, for multivariate reasons - dumbed down education, relentless image management, time starvation, herd pressures and so forth - compliant acceptence of Party Line has beome the norm....indeed, dare I say it - the New Normal.

New Normal has gained an acceptance in this twenty-first century context of disguised Settled Science because the elites who would rule over us lie all the time in a bid to control us. They lied about:

Climate change, Covid face masks, Covid shedding even after vaccination, excess midlife deaths, Fauci's role in Wuhan, RFKJr's MAHA ambitions, weather control experiments, Ukraine donantions, Zelenskyy's wealth, Vladimir Putin's mental health, future pandemic inevitability, Waspi injustice [UK], Macron election funding [France], Property Rights [Spain], Coastal weather forecasts [Italy], Drone events [China], Sovereign debt size [Greece], vandalised oil pipelines [USA 2023] and illegally transported votes [POTUS election 2020].

But the one giga-mendacity that has come to light since last November's Presidential election in America is the astonishing waste, secrecy and even unconstitutional behaviour involved in the USAID scandal.

The Substack ECO loves you has written a fascinating post entitled INSIDE THE REVOLUTION REWIRING AMERICAN POWER, in which two things become eminently clear: first, Donald Trump's second coming as President has involved - entirely beyond the public eye - meticulous and radical planning to control the malign aspects of the US bureaucratic Deep State. The following extracts reveal just how - this time around - Trump has caught the Secret State off balance in a way they could never have imagined:

'At 2am on January 21st 2025...In the US Treasury's basement, fluorescent lights hummed above four young coders. Their screens cast blue light across government-issue desks, illuminating energy drink cans and agency badges. As their algorithms crawled through decades of payment data, one number kept growing: $17 billion in redundant programs....This wasn't a hack. This wasn't a breach. This was authorized disruption....While career bureaucrats prepared orientation packets and welcome memos, DOGE's team was already deep inside the payment systems. No committees. No approvals. No red tape. Just four coders with unprecedented access and algorithms ready to run....By 6 AM, Treasury's career officials began arriving for work. They found systems they thought impenetrable already mapped. Networks they believed hidden already exposed. Power structures built over decades revealed in hours. Their traditional defenses—slow-walking decisions, leaking damaging stories, stonewalling requests—proved useless against an opponent moving faster than their systems could react. By the time they drafted their first memo objecting to this breach, three more systems had already been mapped'.

Above all, what has been debunked in this truly remarkable revelation of Trumpian determination to have his way as POTUS is the bought-whores' media set myth that The Donald is a semi-senile old bloke destined to reek havoc to no definablly useful end goal. While there may well be good reason to see Trump's trade tariff ambitions as innately disastrous for the global economy, this revelation of malignant USAID spending was a meticulously executed military operation that achieved all its aims.

Nowhere in any of this episode, however, is there the slightest sign that Trump was prepared to back RFKJr by using evidence of Senate Democrat/Gates stonewalling in order to find yet more fake reasons to block his HSH confirmation via a full-floor vote. As always with the Orange one, it's a case of back him when he does the right thing, and call him to account when he follows dysfunctional policies.

One chap who seems to have debunked himself over the last ten days is Steven Greer, the high-profile American UFOlogist. In that kind of business - so open to ridicule - it's never smart to promise "astonishing rvelations" about State secret involvement with intelligent aliens, and then not deliver.

That's what Greer did. So far, nothing has happened. Think first and engage mouth later is the lesson to be learned here.

Avoiding the Fiat Currency digital dystopia

Debanking is a different kettle of fish altogether. By this term, I mean taking money away from retail banks (that are really just the servants of investment banks, central banks, bourse banks and the soon-to-be-digitalised sovereign currencies recognising the rise and rise of Silicon Valley as a key State supplier...secret or otherwise).

There's not much point in debunking the banks, because it's all been done before by well-informed heroes and heroines celebrated at this page dating from my Wordpress years.

Debanking is not about making profit. Rather, it's about protecting such capital and cash one has of being massively devalued by the Digital Reset the sociopathic élite has in mind for us. My practice of avoiding personal wipe-out at the moment follows a fourfold strategy:

  1. Buying assets - primarily property - that can be rented out at a fair price to provide much needed income once most sovereign States have welched on their pension promises to the citizenry.
  2. Buying long-life but healthy canned foods in bulk via wholesale markets of offset the inevitably rising inflation over the next three to five years.
  3. Buying arable land - primarily on the basis that the perfidious Bill Gates is on the one hand asking us to slaughter cows and eat insects while investing heavily in...um, arable land. The chances are, he knows something NWO-ish that we don't, and so it's not a bad idea to have skin in the arable game.
  4. Keeping all bank deposits strictly at or below those levels at which sovereign States promise to reimbourse the citizen from Treasury funds.

I'll stress a few things here for obvious reasons: I am not a qualified financial advisor, and you must make your own minds up whether you adopt any of the above measures. Further, I am for the moment keeping powder dry on the precious metals thing, because [a] one still has to find a buyer for gold or silver bullion....you cant eat it, and [b] their value - just like fiat currency - is open to manipulation if the global CBDC* monkeys decide to fix a low price for PMs....which is exactly what FDR did with gold in 1933. Penultimately, I have little or no faith at all that government reimbursement promises can be trusted, and so I'm not likely to stop withddrawing banked money at a level of (say) £80,000: if another investment can give me a better chance of reliable income, my loyalty to banks - whose rules nowadays declare it is their money anyway - will continue to be minus 56% or thereabouts. And finally, the Slog's beady eye will be paying close attention to events from Washington via Moscow and on to Beijing: gold-backed currencies, for example, could change the entire picture when it comes to our world of floating currencies obeying little or no valuation rationale beyond bourse-trader greed.

*CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency

In short, my approach to evading penury is full of holes - but then, so is everyone's, because nobody (however much they insist otherwise) has access to the when, where, why and how of what the world might go through on the winding road to 203o. But it's better than doing nothing, because monitoring action and weighing odds - while tedious and time-consuming - is preferable to waking up one day to find the carpet baggers breaking down your door.

As I keep on opining here, we mustn't lose sight of the astonishing appetite of our species for achieving Feelgood by doing Good: we call ourselves Mankind, and 96% of us are kind to our fellow Man who's in dire straits through no fault of his own. I don't advocate handouts to serial parasites (obviously) but only the sociopathic 4% have souls so infected by their power-money genes, empathy for others isn't even on their radar....and never has been. They are mentally ill: and ironically, only their power keeps them outside the asylum walls.

By contrast, the small good deed trend is powering ahead, as evidenced by the fact that - on Duck-Duck Go for instance, over just the first four pages in respose to the search demand 'Examples of Good Deeds over the last week' there are now a staggering fifty-three sites largely or solely devoted to the idea of small-scale citizen generosity. (When I last carried out that search in November 2024, the number was twenty-three.)

Music is - I remain convinced - an underused medium for drawing global attention on the Clean Soul>>Do Good>>Feelgood dimsension. I hope to give you an update on 'Clean Soul Music' in the next week or so.

Stay tuned