Time to stop storming Bastilles
Not many people know this, but when the Paris mob stormed the Bastille in July 1789 - with a view to releasing political prisoners therein - they found it empty. Having seen the attack coming, the Bourbon regime moved the inmates to Another Place.
There is a very clear analogy between dissent unleashed on the contemporary digital internet, and the attempted sacking during the Quatorze: that is to say, both represent pointless assaults on symbols of power. The elite Aristocrats of 2025 will keep on letting the Resistance think that with 'just one more heave', the digital Web will collapse. It won't.
Just as with the Bastille, Twenty-first century digital oligarchs are very happy to see arrows bouncing back off the walls: the Bourbons of the 1780s owned the State - that was the real power in the Land. Today, the States and blocs who really run the world own the digital and legacy media lock, stock and barrel.
We need to learn the lessons of the bonnets rouges....they won easily once they made it clear to the aristos that Louis XVI had lost his grip, that heads were already being removed by Madame Guillotine, and the last of Bourbon Biscuits had fled his Palace.
The electronic socio-news-surveillance-currency-robbery media [as represented by the Googles, MSNs, Wordpresses, blogging platforms, fake encryption email scams and alleged stats measurement services] engages in 24/7/365 monkey business....and that includes the aptly named Mailchimp 'delivery' service. Every service promise made turns out pretty quickly to be a chimera - ie, a thing which is hoped for but is illusory....or impossible to achieve, even if the monkeys wanted to in the first place.
Their attitude reflects a variation on Louis XIV's infamous claim: today their smug grin suggests, "L'etat, c'est nous".
Emails are 'sent', but do not arrive...or wind up hidden in the junk file. Most browsers and search engines parrot the State line. Posts are disappeared. Platforms encourage 'tags' because this enables Bots to spot dissent more easily. Posts suddenly become impossible to save. Every attempt to engage with the readership via comment threads is either made ludicrously complex or blatantly blocked. Posts are marked in advance 'sensitive material', ensuring that the recipient's host sticks them in the spam sin bin. Real stats are massively under-reported in an attempt to destroy one's morale. And on Elon Musk's X, free speech is just fine so long as you pay him money and don't question his motives.
There is nothing these transhumanist monkeys and flying pigs can't or won't try on as a puerile attempt to disguise mendacity. Complaining is futile. The old adage applies: "Don't try and teach a pig to sing....you won't get a song, and it only annoys the pig" - flying or otherwise.
Roger Lewis - leading light in the P2P level-playing-field analog internet alternative to digi-hitech - correctly makes the connection between the rise and rise of financialised monopolism, and a veritable coup d'etat he calls "tech d'etat". He depicts the State>Tech>Bourse>Bank net as "a Gulag" and insists that analog can easily out-perform it as a carrier of dissident messages.
Roger and I have known each other on and off for the best part of twelve years. We share a belief that the desire for Truth as opposed to propaganda, spin, fear-mongering and disinformation is in reality almost infinite.
I too argue that we have become far too awed by the belief that only a digital bankrolled Web can deliver viral messages. This is arrant nonsense: it's true that five out of eight billion people use the digital internet every day, but they see digital as the only alternative - three billion don't go there at all, and distrust of digital media information is high at 50% ; so net-net, three billion non-users plus 4 billion distrusters means the potential for uncensored and balanced analog information-viralisation is close to seven billion....far higher than the digital Gulag.
Roger continues as follows on the hitech>digital>banker>financialisation archipelago:
'There is a peculiar madness in our modern age that would have made our ancestors laugh, had they not been more likely to weep. We have, with great ceremony and self-congratulation, rebuilt the very walls of feudalism that our forefathers spent centuries dismantling. Only now we do not call them castle walls, but rather "financial institutions," and we do not call their masters barons, but rather "CEOs" and "hedge fund managers."
The great Lord Acton once warned us that "the issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." How prophetic these words appear now, when we observe that the financial sector, which once claimed merely a tenth of corporate profits, now devours nearly 30 percent of all profits in the United States, like some great mechanical dragon consuming the wealth of nations.
Our new feudal lords have grown craftier than their medieval counterparts. They no longer demand their tribute in grain or gold, but in digits and data.
Consider this remarkable fact: in the United States, five banks now control half of the industry's $15 trillion in assets. The financial sector, which once modestly claimed around a tenth of U.S. corporate profits, now gorges itself on almost 30 percent. This is not capitalism; it is cartelism dressed in capitalist clothing....twenty Americans now possess as much wealth as half their nation's population (some 152 million souls): we are not witnessing the triumph of free markets but their perversion.'
Don't throw peanuts at the digital Monkey Business: it only encourages them. Instead, turn your attention to the power of Truth...to reveal the fraudulent Wizard behind the curtain.
Further reading:

In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, each device or computer acts as both a server and a client, allowing direct communication and resource sharing between them. It blocks censorious interence between one and the other. As such, it is in and of itself, a stimulant for Truth and the enemy of malign interference.
Stay tuned for more information.