The tyranny of Pharisees determined to promote a heresy

Open minds and new ideas die all too easily on the vine

Sour grapes poison Truth

For those aware of the Great Awakening to come, there's some great stuff out there at the moment, but very little better than the latest offering from Clive Hale's View from the Bridge. His new subject - Tyranny and the problem with tyrants - could not be more timely, and this extract in particular is a brilliant piece of nail-head prose:

'In every organisation I have worked in or been a part of a tyrant has raised his head. In every case to be banished….eventually, but often the damage has already been done.

Tyrants operate by and from fear. They get to their position by making the most noise. They guide, in their fashion, with a “big stick” to intimidate others and supress alternative views or guidance, both of which they always lack and/or refuse to acknowledge.

This generates fear in others and stems from their own fears of inadequacy – the need to prove themselves, pressure – must do this must do that, failure – not an option in the tyrant’s way of thinking, but often their downfall as they suppress idea generation.

With all this inbuilt fear a common trait is a lack of a sense of humour which is a useful indicator to look out for; not always a sign as some people are either very focussed and/or lacking in the ability to engage with others. The tyrant always engages, but on his own terms and not empathetically...'

Clive's post chimed with me particularly because I have just been released after four months of fighting a tyrant - a bombastic bully with a closed mind who nearly ruined the ambience of where I live, but has now moved on to other pastures and been replaced by a bloke whose empathy, inspiration and example is generating a renaissance in genuine hospitality provision.

But the piece also resonated because of my last post here, in which I quoted Wilferd Perterson's laudable adage:

'See it Big and keep it simple....The best leaders are almost always the best listeners. They have an open mind. They are not interested in having their own way, but in finding the best way '

'The best way' as a thought puts the pursuit of maximum citizen potential way above rigid ideology....the very goal that Joe Biden, Keir Starmer, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Angela Rayner, David Lammy, Justin Trudeau, Vlodomor Zelenskyy, Bill Gates and Elon Musk simply don't get.

The Slog has always benefited from the constant intelligent vigilance of its followers, and much valued in that firmament is American Ann Cadigan, who pointed me at this latest effort from Whitney Web in relation to the obvious dystopia that goes with the transhuman ambitions of the bonkers four percent.

Although she is being interviewed by a fellow traveller in this YouTube clip, her lucidity is - as always - both instructive and compelling. And oddly enough, this segues perfectly into the German election results....where long before the lockstep Moonies have their way with us, the totally bought online and legacy media would have you believe that the breakthrough by AfD [Alternativ fur Deutschland] is the death knell of decency in that country.

In May 2024 a German court rejected an AfD appeal against a ruling classifying it as a suspected far-right extremist organisation. Judges found that the AfD had "positions that disparage the democratic order and are incompatible with the principle of democracy".

Even though it came second, the AfD is blocked from being part of the next government because of a "firewall" - or Brandmauer - operated by Germany's main parties, who do not co-operate with any party seen as extremist since the end of World War Two.

The AfD's leader Alice Weidel insists it is a libertarian, conservative movement, not racist. Its big increase in public support has coincided with a series of deadly attacks in the past nine months, all allegedly by immigrants.

The AfD has embraced 'a highly controversial policy' called "remigration", which it defines as deporting migrants who have committed crimes.

Far this, extreme that and all the other BS: the Truth here is that the AfD is being given the same treatment meted out in France to Marine LePen.

"deporting migrants who have committed crimes". Can somebody please tell me what's Hard, Far, Extreme, neo-Nazi or anti-democracy about that as a guiding principle for the well-meaning Sovereign State?

Sadly, Ursula von der Leyen - the incorrigibly corrupt EU supremo and serial disinformation hypocrite - cares nothing for the Sovereign State. She prattles on about "our democratic values" in the tedious tradition of previous Eurocrats. But her instincts are censorious.... as demonstrated by her current attacks on social media sites.

For me, Von der Leyen’s proposed approach to the bitter information war which is shaping EU politics will only deepen divides. Her proposed Democracy Shield would establish a new disinformation unit for the detection and removal of online disinformation while “innoculating” EU citizens against false information through education.

How about that for a giveaway hidden neo-Nazi centres wherein people are re-programmed as per Hillary Clinton Sovyet plans to introduce corrective brainwashing.

In numerous speeches during 2024, von der Leyen focused on events in her native Germany, claiming that “we have seen far-Right politicians and candidates from the AfD in Germany in the pockets of Russia.” Her comments refer to investigations into Czech-based Russian propaganda website Voice of Europe, from whom AfD politicians are accused of accepting bribes. Von der Leyen frequently claims that AfD politicians carry Russian propaganda in Europe.

But she has zero hard empirical evidence for any of this. This depraved power-freak is nothing more or less than just one more idiot giving succour to tyranny. Stalin would have welcomed her into his plans to replace informed debate with repetitive ideological assertion.

On a micro level, today I chalk up 77 years on Planet Earth. Here's what I've learned:

  • There is no legitimacy in majority rule if the majority is ignorant: today's minority is often tomorrow's Establishment
  • It is never too late if the will is there to stop the 4%
  • History is made by those who turn up
  • There are only two accessible esperantos in the World: music and footie
  • Love triumphs over bureaucrats: listen to the wisdom of prophets, ignore the pettifogging rules of Pharisees
  • There is no such thing as Settled Science. Belief in such a thing is the weaponisation of myth to support bigotry.
  • Harken not unto what They say, but instead observe what they do.
  • Always apply cui bono to every socio>>economic>>cultural issue you encounter...that is, who benefits from the opinion being expressed?