The Eight-headed Pirates of Finance
1. The Second American Civil War
A week and a half ago, we learned that President Trump would “not be deflected from inspecting the real amount of gold in Fort Knox”. We applauded.
On the same day, he called Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla “A great person andoutstandingbusinessman”. We were appalled.
In the 10 days before the inauguration of Donald Trump, the health/pharma bureaucrats drafted a Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) document representing the first-ever strong U.S. commitment to an agenda called “One Health” - as pushed relentlessly by the Bourlas and Faucis of our increasingly pandemic obsessed planet. Soon afterwards, Trump withdrew from the World Health Organisation. Further applause.
Yet thereafter still, the CDC went ahead anyway, and published. Further confusion.
One day later, prolific substacker Dr John Day quoted somebody writing to Alana Newhouse as follows:‘I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, I don’t even think I could define myself narrowly as either a liberal or a conservative anymore. The one thing I know that I fundamentally do believe is the premise of your piece, that the dominant institutions of American life—in education, in the arts, in politics—are either totally broken or so weak or corrupt that they’re becoming irrelevant. In a way, the only thing I know that I believe in is … brokenness.’
As regulars at The Slog will already have spotted (although often not accepted) my best summation of the new US Administration is that President Trump is doing his best to wrestle with a very obviously broken system - in the context of a hopelessly divided Republic - by doing his worst at the same time as his best.
The performance isn’t helping anyone, and it is confusing the crap out of that varied constituency that voted him into the White House. As for the full spectrum of his Cabinet picks, I’d imagine they’re all equally baffled by the double act of scrambling down into the foxhole one minute while yelling “tally-ho!” on horseback the next.
My bottom line right now is this: Donald Trump is confusing because he is confused.
He wants peaceful diplomacy and yet believes that his MAGA dream can emerge into reality and maintain a Unipolar global hegemony as the all-powerful United States of America.
Well I’m sorry Mr President, but there are seven other forces in the World with different ideas. Like him, they are all wannabe pirates who want their pieces of Eight.
What our planet – and every species on it – really needs is the emergence of a Confederated States of America sharing multi-polar status with the other seven….and helping reach cooperative, peaceful and co-existential solutions.
But things have gone too badly wrong over the last forty years of neoliberal capitalist bungling (and its necessary monster, neocon gung-ho diplomacy) for that wish to have even the remotest chance of surviving the coming chaos.
Such is, I sense, on the same scale of likelihood as the survival of a sorbet in Hell.
The best hope for humanity is self-sufficient community mutualism. And even that is on the anorexic side of slim.
2. At the Feast of the Technocrats (a) telling us what to think
I know I’ve written about this issue before, but I feel the need to persevere. Microsoft – in it’s laptop reincarnation as MSN – is a source of lockstep online information which [like its founder Billy Gates Gruff] flatly refuses to accept “NO” as an answer.
If you own a Windows pc, it is impossible to get rid of it. It insinuates itself into your every activity, it refuses to be unpinned from your task bar for longer than an hour or so, it interrupts every post or essay one writes, and it asserts that the user’s sole remaining desire in life is to open an Outlook email account. It is not a service supplier, it is a propaganda garbage-manufacturer whose approach to doing business more resembles a southside Chicago mobster in 1932 than a crappy news service in 2025.
Why is this allowed to happen? Whatever happened to Anti-Trust legislation once designed to rein in the Henry Fords, JP Morgans and John D Rockefellers of our world?
The answer is clear and evidenced rather than ‘wild conspirAcy theory’ [WCT]: the neoliberal economic model lauded to high Heaven during the Thatcher/Reagan years has not produced trickle-down wealth to encourage entrepreneurial capitalism. Rather, it has produced Bigger and Bigger Business up to more and more Monkey Business….producing Silicon Valley, central banking and pharma monopolies all of which are suppliers to increasingly intolerant and secretive States more closely allied to the military and intelligence communities than at any previous time in history.
These giant complexes have become the real power in every land – they watch, they redact, they control, they track, they smear, they bully, they invade and they convince. And as I’ve been saying for over a decade, they’ve been busy neutering, corrupting and sidelining every worthwhile elected assembly on the planet.
Whichever sort of good-guy hero Elon Musk is trying to portray at the moment - and however much he presents his actions as a clean-up-Congress exercise - in the end he is one of those sidelining the elected democratic representatives.
3. At the Feast of the Technocrats (b) telling us how we can spend our money and how much it’s ‘worth’
The Great Reset cometh, alongside – and probably at the same time as – globally digitalised currencies. The revaluation of ‘money’ held in central, clearing and retail banks is a vital step towards fiscally incontinent super-powers, blocs and other significant sovereigns absolving themselves of currently unrepayable Treasury debt.
Effectively, the debtometer will tip over a billion zillion and back to nought. The same may very well be true of our personal bank accounts - one must wait and see just how greedy the four per cent decide to be.
4. The Role for Pharma’s jab-mandation based on fear creation
Don’t assume that the gargoyles will either want or need a functional post-jubilee consumer economy: given their genocidal plans for most of us, the New World Order is predicated on the idea of a few million pressed transhuman slaves [the folks made happy by owning nothing] delivering a lifestyle of unimaginable wealth to 330 million very happy top-tablers who own everything.
The other 7.7 billion humans will have met their demise at the hands of man-made pandemics and bioweaponised “vaccines” mandated by lots of Muskovite fans of that “great person and businessman”, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
Well anyway, that’s the plan. Whether it materialises or not is down to you, me and the people at Number 37 finally waking up to what’s going on.
Plus, of course, a few billion other differently thinking communities like….
5 ......Wealthy Islam
The monied overlap of each of the eight pirates in turn shows up in the same old guilty names we’ve come to know and distrust….my bold emphases refer:
A week ago, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reaffirmed its $500 billion pledge to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in a signing event during the fourth Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum.H.E. Dr. Abdullah al Rabeeah, Supervisor General of King Salman Relief and Humanitarian Centre, was joined by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization; Catherine Russell, Executive Director of UNICEF; Dr. Sania Nishtar, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; Dr. Chris Elias, President of Global Development at the Gates Foundation and Chair of the Polio Oversight Board; and Aziz Memon, Pakistan Polio Plus Chair, signed an agreement that will help the GPEI and its partners to reach 370 million children with polio vaccines each year and stop transmission of the virus for good. The funds were initially pledged in April 2024 at the first-ever World Economic Forum Special Meeting hosted in Riyadh.
One doubts very much that the esteemed attendees also signed a pledge to stop throwing homosexuals off roofs, using bio-weapons to eliminate Ethiopian political enemies, abusing children on Jeffrey Epstein Island visits, raping under-age white girls in Halifax and Rotherham, encouraging stupid parents to have their infant daughters fgm’d - and creating economic resets to leave We the People with the happiness of owning nothing.
This absence of any such ethical resolve helps explain why so many comfortably off smuggies still airily dismiss the existence of a New World Order alliance as WCT….but the usual suspects in the main paragraph above suggest in turn that such observers would fail to see a conspiracy if a President got shot in Dallas.
The wealth and influence of aggressively misogynist Islam is far too often ignored. We are lucky in Gambia to live in a social milieu where the level of religious tolerance is exemplary, but even here the law banning genital mutilation is ignored by fifty per cent of Muslim opinion leaders.
Observing the world as a whole however, the picture is alarming for those who deplore murder by stoning.
The global Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years, rising from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030, according to new population projections by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.
Globally, the Muslim population is forecast to grow at about twice the rate of the non-Muslim population over the next two decades – an average annual growth rate of 1.5% for Muslims, compared with 0.7% for non-Muslims. If current trends continue, Muslims will make up 26.4% of the world’s total projected population of 8.3 billion in 2030, up from 23.4% of the estimated 2010 world population of 6.9 billion.
But Islamic extremism’s growth is the trend to watch here. While - according to a Pew survey in February 2017 - most Americans did not see widespread support for extremism among U.S.Muslims, an enormous amount of Islamist migration both there and across Europe from far south to far north has taken place since then….and it hasn’t gone down well with the indigenous populations.
According to the 2024 EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report, 120 terrorist attacks were recorded in the EU in 2023, including 98 completed attacks, 9 failed attempts and 13 foiled plots. This marked anear tenfoldincrease from 28 attacks in 2022 and 18 in 2021….and overwhelmingly, the increase was down to Islamic Jihadism.
Those who see only alarmist racism in these data would do well to watch thisYouTube video summing up the situation in Germany, where Muslims are openly calling for a Caliphate ruled by strict Shariah Law. Their unreasonable demands handed millions of votes to AfD in last week’s elections. Equally, this video following the parlous situation in Sweden of late shows an explosion in Islamic migrant centred gun crime there.
In Britain, people long ago became inured to inflammatory Islamist demo placards….
…..and France has also suffered a wave of severe violence rooted in Islamic radicalisation. The tentative and inconsistent government response has increased public outrage and strengthened the “far-right” parties. Mass demonstrations by Hamas supporters have triggered antisemitic violence, and the attempt to present a united front in the fight against antisemitism was met with President Macron’s indecisive stance and the left’s refusal to condemn Hamas.
With the Muslim world sitting upon increasingly rare energy fortunes, there’s no shortage of money to support rabid fanatics. London’s mayor Sadiq Khan still – alongside the Prime Minister Keir Starmer – dismiss reality as ‘Islamophobia’. They are both idiots.
OK, in a sick ironic way, it’s funny: but this moron and others like him have plenty of money behind them; we ignore the misuse of oil billions at our peril.
Brussels, meanwhile, is another differently unintelligent power base that probably grasps things cannot get better….
6. In the face of getting smacked in the kisser with bad democratic election results, we face an EU Executive losing it’s nerve…..and growing in totalitarian tendencies
Like many UK and EU ideologues, European Union commission President Ursula von der Leyen chooses to ignore the insane demands of aggressive migrant Islamic militancy to focus instead on further demands to shut down misinformation, disinformation, fake news, far this, hard that and all the rest of the crypto-Stalinist insults designed to smear (and disappear) Truth.
"We have seen far-right politicians and lead candidates from AfD in Germany in the pockets of Russia," von der Leyen said last wekk, "they are selling their souls on Russian propaganda outlets and videos, giving cover and encouragement to the more dangerous extremes in our societies.”
It’s a disease, she spouted, adding this gem worthy of Josef Goebbels at his peak:
"Because disinformation relies on people passing it on to others – it is essential that people know what malign information’s influence is and what the techniques look like....Instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold, that’s the de-bunking, it is better to vaccinate, so that our body is inoculated – pre-bunking”.
Dear oh dear: this is dangerous mixed metaphor cod-science claptrap at its worst.
Be assured of this much: it’s only a matter of time before criticism of the mad wing of Islam becomes evidence of mental illness requiring hospitalisation...or as cuddly Killary Clinton would have it, “reprogramming”.
You see folks, the plebian People make mistakes when they vote. And we can’t have that now, can we?
PS: The European Parliament elected Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission in a secret ballot on 18 July 2024. The European citizenry wasn’t allowed anywhere near the Coronation.
No doubt watching the foregoing quadrophonic mayhem with both interest and alarm will be….
7….the People’s Republic of China: an ecological vandal, heavily armed and deeply invested in Fang-woi and Hack-woi infrastructures….
...and not known for its libertarian tendencies – beyond ‘liberating’ other States that appear to be, shall we say, in its way.
I have so much history going back nearly sixty years with Chinese culture - in Liverpool, Paris and now The Gambia – that it would be ridiculous to write me off as Sinophobic. But there is a big difference between Chinese mental agility and arts on the one hand, and the Politburo in Beijing staffed by senior powercrats in the CCP on the other.
Chinese manipulation of hitech supply chains, aggressive access to gold mining, pollution of the environment (plus over-use of food chains in general and fish stocks in particular) have been legend during the twenty-first century. In turn, Beijing has shown an ability to take dangerous risks with bioweapons, have slipshod standards when it comes to lab development, and a preparedness to compete with anything either the West or Russia can achieve when it comes to the development of hyper-sonic radar-resistant missiles – nuclear or otherwise.
During the imminent cynical pieces-of-eight piracy to come, the CPR is going to be at one and the same time an unpredictable, formidable and potentially unstable addition to the chaotic jockeying for position….especially given US Establishment inability to grasp that Chinese weaponry now leaves the best American efforts behind in the dust.
And so to the eighth and final piece in the geopolitical jigsaw…
8. Controlling how we use energy, what we eat and how we dispose of waste in a global context of climate change fearmongering survivalism.
This may look and sound like an afterthought, but it’s anything but. Climate Change is a scam, and always was – and the data on cow methane output has always struck me as flakey at best. As the Iowa Farm Bureau points out:
‘Cattle and other ruminant anionly reduce global greenhouse gas emissionsmals account for about 4% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA).
In comparison, our transportation system — including cars, planes and more — accounts for more than 25.3 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Even extreme dietary changes — such as switching to a vegan, all-plant diet — won’t have much impact on climate change and global temperatures.
Research shows that removing all livestock and poultry from the U.S. food system would by 0.36%’.
So why do the doomsayers stick with thisBS?
Answer: for various purposes of defensive weaponisation.
First up, to weaponise mandation of idiotic anti-warming policies against any and all of those who refuse to comply during the pieces of Eight anarchy coming our way. The ability to smear anyone whowon’t comply with“obey to save the planet” is irresistible to the psychocrats: they will scream “How dare you play dice with the Earth our home!”.
For they are the same Faucis who also called you “a disease spreader” for refusing dangerous and ineffective mRNA so-called vaccines during the Convid19 fiasco.
Secondly, to ensure weather weaponisation experiments continue without causing suspicion. Weird mists at 3 pm in the afternoon alongside baking heat in New Orleans? Sudden rainfall in Gambia on Christmas Day at the height of the Dry Season? During 2024, five tropical cyclones (Beryl, Debby, Francine, Helene and Milton) among a total of twenty-seven confirmed weather disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion across the US….including 1 drought event, 1 flooding event, seventeen severe storm events, 1 wildfire event, and 2 winter storm events?
“That’s yer climate change, mate….stan’s ter reason, dunnit?”
Yet again, the entire charade comes down to control: you can’t take that flight to Rio to escape jab mandates….bad for the ionosphere, mate; you can’t go down to the pub Sunday lunchtime to discuss how daft all the new viruses and melting ice-cap reporting is….high UV today - bad for your skin, mate.
And don’t place weather-tampering solely at the door of the CIA>Pentagon axis of incompetence: both Russia and China are equally at it on fifty different experimental fronts.
In a world where the four percent are lying their depraved heads off 24/7, it’s important to have all the cover stories in a row. And above all, they can’t have the independent minded amateur empiricists putting their bullshit under the microscope.
The orders of the day are lies, distraction, obfuscation and rigid censorship - via the use of every twisted technology our wannabe Masters can get hold of.
At long last, the WCT knee-jerk reaction is beginning to look decidedly lame. But is it a case of too little too late?
I leave this longer than usual post today hanging on that question mark, because I don't have a definitive answer any more than anyone else does.
I can only reiterate what I opined at the outset of this mini-essay: 'The best hope for humanity is self-sufficient community mutualism. And even that is on the anorexic side of slim'.
I still believe that the NWO fanatics will fail, because their greed will swamp any sense of proportion they may have. My sole purpose today really is to do two things: first, wake people up to the reality of NWO psychopathy in general with special reference to its genocidal ideas; and second, prepare people for a unique life experience to come in the hope that they can start preparing now to come out in one piece at the end of it.