In the Beginning was the Peach

Our universe is expanding, which means that in the past it was smaller. In the distant past, billions of years ago, it was much smaller. In the extremely distant past, around 13.77 billion years ago, our universe was the size of a peach…...and had an internal temperature in excess of a quadrillion degrees centigrade.


But what came before the peach?

“Nothing” we’re told, “Because there was no Time before the peach”.

So who or what made the peach? Because you need Time make something...don’t you?

“Yes, that’s correct,” say the Giga-brains, “Nobody and Nothing made the peach, because there was no Time before the peach”.

Nevertheless, out of this peach came Big Bang….at such extreme temperatures and pressures the four fundamental forces of nature – strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetism, and gravity – were unified into a single force. ‘What this force looked like, how it operated, and other small details are beyond known physics’....we are told.

So did these forces create Time, then?

“No,” say the egg-heads, “the four fundamental forces (strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetism, and gravity) didn't "create" time itself….but they do shape and influence the passage of time within the universe.”


The what of Time and Who of Peach are up there with excuses made by schoolboys in my youth for not handing in their homework at the expected time:

“Well there was this peach, see - made by another boy I don’t believe in, but anyway, explosive inner forces combined and then there was Time...but neither he nor they created any such thing as Time, and so I didn’t have enough time available to do any homework, Sir”.

Right. OK then. Let me make a simple, empirical observation here: some of this is science, but most of it is pure speculation based on little or no established fact.

The phrase that gives the game away here is ‘What this force looked like, how it operated, and other small details are beyond known physics’.

That answer came from an astrophysicist at the internet site Quora. My sincere hope is that ‘and other small details’ was an attempt at irony. But I’m not not betting the farm on it.

Now if you go along with the idea this illogical and contradictory hokum represents real science as we know it Jim, then you’re probably one of those who believed that Covid19 emerged as a result of cod mating with bats, and those trying to scare all of us to death about something that was irrefutably sub-pandemic in the extreme really had nothing but our best interests at heart.

Unfortunately, chances are that an overwhelming percentage of people at all social and IQ levels went along with all that complete tosh. And I feel the need to record here that The Slog debunked all of the Covid19 BS with this seminal post in March 2020.


Let’s just nail one vital point here and now: the aim of this post is not to present me as some sort of once-in-a-century genius. I “feel the need” to record the post linked to above because I am nothing more than a bloke in his late seventies blessed with three abilities – none of which were of my creation:

1. Being born and brought up in the First World in a stable family with open-minded parents who encouraged me to reject fashionable unreality in all it’s forms

2. A genetic talent for reducing pretentiously jargonised complex propaganda to easily understood common sense

3. A perhaps eccentric joy in researching what people do rather than what they say.

The last of these gifts is probably the biggest factor driving a life obsessed with the observation and analyis of what’s coming down the road.

It brought me salaries, bonuses, fees - and a company sale that gave me financial independence. But none of those things would have materialised without a passion for learning the lessons of history.


What we are being offered now is a future that ignores the lessons of history in particular, and denies the mysteries of existence in general.

That’s the sum total of everything I want you to gain from this Slogpost.

The ridicule of the vast majority who are uninformed, misinformed and dedicated to the permanent worship of day-to-day banality is an ever present but invalid disparagement of those who seek solid, data-based enlightenment.

The majority ridicule of Truth is down to the fact that five human beings in eight are being offered counterfeit currency as a false reward for their loyalty to Establishment mendacity pumped out by the digital internet.

I’m not saying that the promotion of analog internet is going to be easy. It will require original thinking, very smart anti-parasite software, the triumph of clear prose over technojargon and, above all, clean ethical money.

But it is fifty times more likely to produce empirically informed common sense than anything Trump, Musk, Gates, Xi Ping, Starmer, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, X or the WEF/WHO axis might try to offer the world’s Useful Idiots.


Relocation issues will demand my full attention over the weekend. I ask for your understanding in that context.