If the Resistance wants to land decisive blows on the dystopian 4%, it must write incisive prose

If the Resistance wants to land  decisive blows on the dystopian 4%, it must write incisive prose
On the obliteration of obfuscation

Wilferd Peterson was born in Whitehall, Michigan, but lived most of his life in Grand Rapids - where he was vice president and creative director of an advertising firm.

Peterson [above] lived by his own advice about Big & Simple. This is what he had to say about "leaders":

"The best leaders are almost always the best listeners. They have an open mind. They are not interested in having their own way, but in finding the best way".

Although an insight from seventy years ago, that is as succinct a critique of fanatics maquerading as 'progressives' as you're ever likely to find. One can apply it to Joe Biden, Keir Starmer, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Angela Rayner, David Lammy, Justin Trudeau, Vlodomor Zelenskyy, Bill Gates and Elon Musk.....but the three great cancers of our age are still held up to the light: monied power obsession, rigid ideology, and religious bigotry when sponsored by the State.

Equally, the underlying assumption of Peterson's observation - and its use of 'the best way' - is that every State's sole focus ought to be on citizens as assets....and within that context, a goal of producing 'the greatest fulfilment of potential for the greatest number'.

By stark contrast, stumbling across the landscaped half-light of digital media in 2025 is a depressing, confusing and irritating process. Every month, it seems to me, the subject matter becomes more obscure, technical and riddled with Nerd-slang, sector jargon or impenetrable legalese. What's being missed in online coverage (most of it trying desperately to sound informed and up-to-speed) is the bigger picture of a rapidly spreading pandemic of injustice that leaves the contemporary Man In The Street as baffled and enslaved as ever.

Some examples follow to make the point....

Pat King is a Canadian activist who has spent months in jail awaiting Court decisions about charges stemming from his involvement in the Freedom Convoy, which began as a trucker-led protest opposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other public health restrictions. The movement drew thousands of people to occupy Ottawa’s downtown areas from late January to mid-February 2022. Here is the core basis of the State's case as it sought a 10-year prison sentence for King: 'King “encouraged and incited activities” and orchestrated the “continual honking of horns,” which disrupted Ottawa residents for nearly three weeks. The trial judge also described King as a “leader and organizer” in the movement...as if this might be innately criminal, rather than an attempt by one citizen to defend the Civil Rights of Ottowans too dumb to see beyond a temporary suspension of peace and quiet in their privileged environment.

Pat's fate as of now is as follows: he is 'credited with nine months of time served for his time in jail awaiting bail and his restrictive bail conditions. He was given an additional three-month conditional sentence, plus time served. King will also serve 12 months of probation time, and must maintain good behaviour, and keep the court informed of any changes to his address or employment'.

He's a rum sort of cove, yer time. Previously, 'In January 2024, Federal Court Justice Richard G. Mosley ruled that the government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act was unconstitutional. A year of time has passed, during which The federal government has filed an appeal, which is currently before the appeals courts. No doubt that same government - which introduced a draconian Enabling Act allowing authorities to seize vehicles, freeze bank accounts and force individuals to leave protest zones - will take its time to consider how much time appeals courts need to assist in the process of restoring sanity, free speech and remaining at liberty to complain about the willful theft of citizen complaining rights.

Slog's bottom line: Trudeau is a dictator, and King is a hero.

Mathew Crawford's Rounding the Earth newsletter asserts that, given the the Military Occult project in play, "You owe it to your family and to your community to understand this moment". The reference specifically is to the Stargate Project....explained graphically like this:

Setting this dense visual elucidation aside for a second, the tabloid headline when it comes to the contemporary Stargate Project is: 'a new company which intends to invest $500 billion over the next four years building new AI infrastructure'. President Trump is very keen on the whole shebang. Herewith another Slog bottom line:

AI bots are nothing more than man-made psychopaths - the reason for this being that their programming lacks any connection to the human right brain's ability (and genuine desire) to express empathy with a client/user's overall problem, or specific frustration with unsatisfactory answers.

96% of us have factory-fitted tribal wiring capable of grasping that the way to calm a customer down is to apologise, sympathise, offer a genuine solution and - if necessary - consider compensation.......not indulge in angel-on-pinhead irrelevance, surreal rationales, obfuscation of the possible and suggesting actions that one has already explained are not working.

AI bots, in my own final analysis, are there to obviate the senior corporatocratic managers' need to be accountable to the public....thus allowing such Fat Cats more time to spin their business plans to the presstitutes, and have lunch at The Ivy, L'Escargot, Inamo or Temper Soho with their cronies.

The Rising Tide Foundation has this to say about where we are and what's coming next:

'....we need to open up the major differences that separate the truly “sovereign” nations from the NATO Hegemon and its Vassal states. Initial factors that divide these two powers are easy to highlight; One seeks development while the other seeks domination, One aims to enslave and ensnare others into its economic system, while the other aims to cooperate and embolden one another in economic projects seeking win-win results. We continue – One uses its military might to corner and threaten weaker actors on the world stage, while the other uses its military for defensive obligations, scientific research and for civilian technological developments. This increases its ability to defend from the Hegemon, practicing a policy of restraint, while conflicts caused by these external actors, arise on their borders.

By now we should be getting a sense of what nations represent which system – China, Russia and Iran represent the Sovereigns while the U.S.A and its NATO vassals represent the closed minded Oligarchy, that has its roots firmly entrenched in the dark age mentality of the crusades – a world war battle of might makes right – not forgetting using faith based mythology as the literature for the war cry. Hardly the image of man that Jesus Christ or Plato envisioned....the Anglo-American five eyes surveillance state, created it seems in the image of Sauron – the all-seeing eye of Mordor – stands exposed at the top of the world alter from which it has lectured others for so many years now. Since 1991 when this observer was born, there have been over 20 major conflicts initiated by the Anglo-American-Zionist hydra state and this has set the stage for the change we see today, a change, that if one truly believes that his fellow citizen is endowed with the same image that his creator bestowed upon himself, was inevitably going to arrive sooner rather than later.'

Slog bottom line: this is near-impenetrable ideological claptrap and utterly inaccessible to Real People.

Time to return to Wilferd Peterson and Big Picture Simplicity:

Our species situation is simple: 96% of decent Homo sapiens citizens want to live in peace and mutual social support. 4% of billionaire control freaks want to create Sovereign State chaos prior to establishing a World Government that barks orders at the 96% of those (a) digitally penuried by the coming digital currency reset (b) decimated by mandatory bioweapon jabs against manufactured pandemics and (c) controlled by restrictions based on energy cynicism and imaginary climate change.

The aim of the Anti-dystopian Resistance must be to stop the 4% by waking up more and more of the 96% to the existential threat.

As a telling postscript - almost inevitably - we arrive at Bitcoin. Type into the search engine of one's choice "What is Bitcoin?", and this is what comes back:

'Bitcoin, often touted as "digital gold," is more than just a currency. Initially envisioned as a decentralized medium of exchange, its uses have expanded over the years.'

These uses include something to invest in, something to pay with, and a means of avoiding the central banking scam, sorry, system.

It's said to be a good investment because - as the blurb has it - 'The supply of bitcoins is carefully controlled and limited, and no one can create or issue more bitcoins at will. There will never be more than 21 million bitcoins; and each bitcoin is itself divisible into 100 million units known as Satoshis. This prevents the kind of erosion of value that plagues ‘normal’ currency'.

Er, no it doesn't. If the banking system uses the media whores and bourse directionalisers to create a loss of confidence in Bitcoin, panic selling and shirt-loss could still be the result. In fact based, on previous confidence-panics like 2008, one could argue that such is a probability.

It's true that you can buy stuff at any outlet displaying a 'We accept Bitcoin' sign. Speaking for myself, such outlets appear to be like Hen's teeth. There are in fact no high street shops in the UK that accept crypto as a form of payment, and only 15,740 retail businesses worldwide that will. According to Statista data, a total of 213.6 million retail companies were operating worldwide last year...so the Bitcoin penetration of retail focussed commerce on Earth is 0.0073 per cent. Good hunting, folks.

On those two analyses alone, people withdrawing deposits from members of the Central Banking cabal of digitalising reset devaluers have far safer and more spread-betting alternatives than Bitcoin from which to choose.....for example:

  1. Investment quality precious metals
  2. Middle to Upmarket property suitable for both everyday and tourism rental
  3. Energy forms and associated mining interests
  4. Companies developing direct solar-fusion energy technology
  5. Upstream companies engaged in exploration and production (E&P) strategies to make oil and gas reservoirs more affordably accessible
  6. Shorting the US Dollar
  7. Shorting the Dow Jones Index

When it comes to Bitcoin hype, The Slog's founding principle about all things futurological still applies: IABATO - It's All Bollocks And That's Official.

Enjoy your Sunday.