BREAKING: RFKJr scrapes through onto full senate vote...but it's not looking good
Despite predictable attempts by bitter and twisted anti-RFKJr Democrat extremists to demand yet more “information” from President Trump’s controversial pick as Secretary for Health and Human Services,the key vote in the Senate committee went ahead today, approving a full Senate vote on Kennedy’s just one vote.
Don’t underestimate the sheer size of obscene Big Pharma profit at risk here if Bobbie goes ahead with his clean-up of heavily monied revolving doors between the bought-off Washington bureaucrats, lobbyists and the Pfizers of this regrettably sick, Mammon obsessed World of ours.
Just released at, Pill-giant Pfizer has just confirmed full-Year 2024 Revenues of $63.6 Billion,reflecting7% Year-over-Year Operational Growth.
David Denton, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, stated: “We are pleased with the 12% operational revenue growth of Pfizer’s non-COVID products in full-year 2024, demonstrating our continued focus on commercial execution. We successfully delivered on our $4 billion net cost savings target from our ongoing cost realignment program, and, as captured in our 2025 financial guidance, we have increased our overall savings target to approximately $4.5 billion by the end of this year. In addition, we remain on track to deliver $1.5 billion of net cost savings from the first phase of our Manufacturing Optimization Program by the end of 2027, with initial savings expected in the latter part of 2025. We remain confident in our ability to return to pre-pandemic operating margins in the coming years.”
And this, my Slogger friends, is the Behemoth-like brontosaurus beast Elizabeth Warren would have you believe JFKJr would bankrupt if he goes ahead to become HHS Secretary in the Trump Cabinet. There are, it seems, lies, damned lies and Warren statistics.
You think I’m being harsh here? Well take this on board:Open Secrets (formerly the Center for Responsive Politics) is a nonpartisan nonprofit focused on providing trustworthy data about money in U.S. politics. And STAT is a media company started by Boston Globe Media. These two organizations aggregate and publish some of the most reliable numbers to help answer questionsrelating to corruption.
A 2020 STAT analysis found more than two-thirds of Congressmembersreceiving a check from pharmaceutical companies that year. More recent data from Open Secrets likewise confirms that a large majority of leaders serving in the U.S. Congressand Senatereceive significant contributions from pharmaceutical or health products companies, averaging $45,000 and $47,000 for Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives, respectively — and $50,000 and $69,000 for Republicans and Democrats in the Senate.
It’s a trough, and US Senators have the biggest snouts in it.
As long ago as 2020, Pocohontas Warren was raking in$625,580from Pharma donations - and she’s still creaming it four years on.
What’s the best noun to describe the motives behind the Senate’s RFKJr show-trial horror – Calumny? Iniquity? Hypocrisy? Insincerity? Duplicity?
For my money, the answer is “All of the above”.
Proof positive yet again of the Slogarithm I first introduced in 2013: ‘Those with double standards always want double helpings’.
If ever a swamp needed draining, then the US Congress is the archetypal target.
Is this what self-styled drainer-in-chief Trump will set out to do? Or will he simply hide off-stage and watch Kennedy drown in its fetid waters?
Stay tuned.